HCL hatte vor einiger Zeit die Verfügbarkeit mit Sametime 11.5 für den Juni angekündigt. Als wesentliche Neuerung kommt damit die Integration des Videokonferenz-Tools Jitsi als Meeting-Komponente.

Am 30. Juni 5. August gibt es einen Webcast zur Ankündigung:

HCL Sametime is what complex industries and government entities use to ensure their most important communications are secure. It’s a proven and trusted persistent chat and video meetings platform, rebuilt for how today’s modern organizations need to be working — nimbly, securely, and remotely. With the latest version, Sametime makes it easy for teams to be agile, meet business challenges, and build strong relationships. Come hear about the latest version’s rock-solid data privacy, new integrated meetings — with just one click — and other improvements that make it faster, more modern, and with lower TCO than ever.

Anmeldung hier.

Update: HCL hat den Termin für das Webinar auf den 05. August verschoben.

„so we can provide the most exciting and complete set of information on thelatest version of HCL Sametime. This announcement will feature incredible new capabilities, and kick-off an exciting new vision for the future of HCL Sametime. Trust us, you won’t want to miss this!“

Bin gespannt, was das für den Release-Termin des Produkts bedeutet.

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